Keynesian formulation legitimated the presence of Government in the economy, in a world destroyed by war. That was like taking an aspirin to relieve a headache – but in the medium and long term results have been disastrous. After almost 7 decades of practical application, this economic formulation exposed stagflation as its best result: a compromise solution between unemployment and inflation. An offence to human intelligence.
You can't beat something with nothing. “It is not just that Keynes was wrong. It is that he was wrong in specific ways, violating specific insights of generations of previous economists, but especially those of Adam Smith, and so-called Austrian school: integrated by Ludwig Heinrich Edler von Mises (1881 -1973), Carl Menger, Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk, Henry Hazlitt, Murray Rothbard and Nobel Prize-winner Friedrich Hayek
To formulate and promote public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional universal values based on biological human needs: nutrition, health and education.
“to promote an informed debate over free-market ideas for health reform” -
“to develop and
disseminate new ideas that foster
greater economic choice and individual
Some ideas as an individual
commitment with the planet for a more decent and fair world! My
contribution for unify vision to Downsizing the Government – “More freedom, less government”
I am sure that my
generation, as others before, are tired of reading the well-intentioned
Universal Human Rights Declaration, the list of the Millennium Goals of the UN
and many other documents that reveal a general consensus that our
children need access to nutrition, health and education – a sine qua non condition for survival and progress. Indeed,
very little progress has been made in this field, and this fact concerns
me profoundly.
This reflection is
addressed to those who are convinced that the current world does not only represent an inheritance from our
parents, but is a loan from our children. We must give them
something better than we were given. Looking around, we can see
the indignity of violence, social exclusion, hunger, misery, conflict,
disregard for the human condition, and unjustifiable wars motivated
by unspeakable economic motivations, where youths are killed in defense of
spurious interests!! This text contains
a proposal that searches to replace the changing logic of ideas - ideology -
with the invariable logic of life – biology .
This proposal was
conceived with an ideologically unarmed spirit, with a mind
open and focused on soul concepts, lovingly trying to see through
the eyes of the Creator, and with a heart pulsating strongly in
search of the essence of the human being, and founded moreover on the reason of
analytical evaluations accumulated in more than two centuries of
human knowledge.
At the time
of the American Revolution it was said – "You will never empower the weak ones by
making the strong ones weaker". During
the French Revolution the fall of the Bastille took away the privileges of the
Bourbons and lit an indelible flame of hope in the human spirit, with its
promises of "liberty, equality and fraternity". These human rights, born of
the Enlightenment, are not widely respected until today, but
they keep latent their strong appeal in the human desire
for democratic participation.
In the pictures I pay a
tribute to those who have made the most remarkable contributions to shaping
this proposal. Other authors that I have dedicatedly consulted are not
Karl Marx analysed with
remarkable lucidity the evolution of ideas in the process of development. He
"The tradition of all deceased generations
oppresses like a nightmare the brain of the living ones. And precisely
when these seem dedicated to revolutionize themselves and all things, in order
to create something that never existed, it is precisely in these moments of
revolutionary crisis that men anxiously invoke the help of spirits from the
past and borrow their names, their slogans and their outfits,
finally presenting themselves in such borrowed language."
In the text
below Adam Smith faithfully defines my state of mind on this matter:
" Philosophers
of nature, in their independence in relation to public opinion,
approach the condition of mathematicians and in their judgments on the
merit of their own discoveries and observations, enjoy some degree
of security and serenity." ... "Mathematicians and philosophers
of nature, thanks to their independence with respect to public opinion, have
little temptation to assemble in factions and sects, either to
support their own reputation, or to reduce the reputation of their rivals. They
are almost always men of great simplicity in ways, living in good harmony among
themselves, like friends of each other's reputation, and are not part of intrigue to ensure
public applause , although they like to see their works
approved, not getting very vexed or very angry when neglected
(1723-1790), a trained philosopher, is the father of political economy. It is
with him that economy is born as a science. His main work, "An
Inquiry Concerning the Nature and Causes of the wealth of Nations", was published in 1776 and is
considered the bedrock of political economy - However, the ethical and
moral philosophical foundation for his thought was published in 1759 – "A
Theory on Moral Sentiments"- a
real dive into the essence of the human being. With Smith I learned the
importance of the "invisible hand", that today is called market
– individuals acting on their own interests – and it is always the
individual interest that prevails – without governmental interference – as
a superior model for human coexistence. I also learned
with this remarkable teacher of ethics that every human being carries in his
chest a jury court – each one of us knows how to
discern between right and wrong, whenever in balance with our
§ "the statesman who
wants to determine to people how they should employ their capital, not only
will be overloading himself with an unnecessary care, but will assume an
authority that could never be safely entrusted to a single person,
nor even to any Council or Senate, and that nowhere is as dangerous as in the
hands of a man who has enough folly and presumption to judge himself able to
pursue it."
§ "Each person, as the Stoics affirmed, should be first and foremost left to their own care; and each person is
certainly, in all respects, more capable and able to take care of themselves
than any other person "
(1818-1883) -the controversial and prolific humanist thinker – the icon of
socialism and perhaps the most poorly understood of thinkers – died in 1883 and
the Soviet Revolution occurred in 1917. "Never before had so many speculated
about the intentions of an author - in his name were committed aberrations
by fanatics hallucinated by power, in a spectrum that ranged from some who were
"profound visionaries, to others
who were psychologically disturbed", if we quote the
clairvoyant competence of english historian Eric Hobsbawm. It is necessary to dessacralize Marx's work - many
analysts were sensitive enough to recognize the errors of capitalism, but they
acted like marxist priests burning incense to their god. Marx did not live long
enough to witness how strongly social
democracy can bribe any revolutionary passion.
I have learned from Marx that
the workforce must not suffer wear – "The worker
sells his labor to keep it unscathed, except for the natural wear,
but not to have it destroyed."
need to eat and to have access to health and education systems, so
that their labor does not get destroyed– it does not make sense to
embed this in their salary, because the hunger of people is not a variable, but
a biological need. Human labor is a process of transformation of human
energy into physical or intellectual energy, and for
this transformation to occur we need nutrition, health and
education, ensured a
priori and not
embedded in salary. We need nourishment just like a vehicle needs fuel to
seems timely to remember Jean-Jacques Rousseau's remark that "Nature never deceives
us; it is always us who deceive ourselves".
Victor Hugo said, too: "It is sad to think that nature speaks and that
humans do not listen to it."
Francis Bacon's certainty is inexorable: "In order to give orders to nature, we must
learn how to obey it."
But the most significant insight for reflection
comes from Ayn Rand - a russian jew who fled from Russia in the years
1920. Ayn
Rand’s epic
masterpiece “Atlas Shrugged
Revolution”, a modern classic and a perennial bestseller, offers the
reader the spectacle of human greatness, depicted with all the poetry and power
of one of the twentieth century’s leading artists:
you notice that, in order to produce, you must be authorized by someone who
produces nothing; when you confirm that money flows to those who
negotiate with favor, not with goods; when you notice that many get
rich with bribery and influence, more than with work, and that the
laws do not protect us from them, but, on the contrary, it is them who are
protected from us; when you find that corruption is rewarded and that honesty
becomes self-sacrifice; then you can say, with no fear of error,
that your society is doomed."
At the end of the 19TH
century, in view of the growth of socialism, the Vatican released the ENCYCLICAL LETTER «RERUM NOVARUM» OF POPE LEO XIII, ON THE CONDITION
OF WORKMEN- on May 15, 1891,
during the fourteenth year of his pontificate, mainly to clarify
the Church's position on the labor-capital relationship, on the role of the
State and of private property, etc.
"This problem is
neither easy to solve, nor free of hazards. It is difficult indeed to
define accurately the rights and duties that shall simultaneously
govern wealth and the proletariat, capital and labour. On the other hand,
the problem is not without hazards, because on many
occasions turbulent and crafty men seek to undermine its sense and
leverage it to excite the crowds and foster disorder."
"Anyway, we are
convinced, and everyone agrees on this, that it is necessary, with prompt
and effective measures, to come to the aid of the men from the lower
classes, since they are, mostly, in a situation of undeserved misfortune and
justice and equity, I entirely
agree with the Vatican in the condemnation of socialism and in the
defense of private property-' thou
shalt not desire thy neighbor's wife, nor his house, nor his field, nor
his ox, nor his maidservant, nor his beast of burden, nor anything belonging to
him». Charity is also advocated as a solution to the "changing
relations between workers and employers, to the influence of wealth in the
hands of a small number, contrasting with the indigence of the
"Governments must use
the protective authority of laws and institutions; the rich
and the employers must remember their duties; workers, whose
fate is at stake, must defend their interests in legitimate ways; and
since only religion, as we said earlier, is capable of
eliminating evil by its roots ", "the desired salvation should be primarily the
result of a great outpouring of charity: ... that same
charity encompassed in the whole Gospel, and that makes one always
ready to sacrifice oneself for his neighbor, as the surest antidote
against the pride and selfishness prevalent in this century".
In spite of my respect for
the historical, millenarian commitment of the Vatican to human conduct, I cannot believe
that some may come to the world to live on charity, while others live
in opulence!!! The alms
destroy two of the most important and stimulating forces of a human
being: dignity and initiative. I
Prefer to believe that we
must provide equal opportunities of nutrition, health and education
to all. From there on, charity will be optional.
The French writer Victor
Hugo said : "We will practice charity when we could not impose
justice". Because it is
not charity that we need. Justice reaches the causes of the problem; charity
mitigates its effects. Monsignor
Jacques Gaillot, also a Frenchman, with a serene look and pondered
voice, dedicated his religious vocation to the defense of human rights,
particularly those of the poor and of the prisoners of justice.
He completed this reasoning: "I do not say that one must deny a
plate of soup or a warm shelter to someone living in the streets. There are
urgencies". "I will do this, but my conscience will not be at
peace, because I think that we must struggle against the structural causes that bond these people to injustice."
The saddest thing for me is that people get accustomed to injustice. For this
reason I say: "Wake up!
This is shameful! Let us show our indignation towards
Social responsibility,
sustainability and ecological balance are the keywords – ideas full
of motivation and desire, that require defining how to make them
real. Some focus their proposals on the alteration of the human DNA –
or else they believe in the emergence of a new generation that will put the collective
interests above their personal interests, something like the religious
proposals that are at least 4000 years old, since the time when Prophet
Abraham, at the origin of monotheistic religions, tried to
indoctrinate, with little success, this curious biped human. I do not
believe in this, because personal
interests will always prevail in relation to the collective ones. Napoleon Bonaparte, in his reflections on
the human soul, observed that people
struggle much more intensely for their interests than for
their ideals!
It is most
important to put this human selfishness to the service of
society. Just as politics and
economics cannot be mixed, economics and religion are
two distinct areas. Many foolish and
deceiving leaders insist on creating the supermarket-shelf religion,
to grab whatever is in their interest to make a profit. This happens not
only with religions but also with associations speaking on behalf of
ethics and philanthropy. For these are intended the hottest places in
hell. In this context, it is worth recalling the recommendations of the
English thinker Gilbert CHESTERTON: "To
PRAY as though everything depended on God. And to ACT as if everything depended on ourselves". Definitely,
religion has been used as a placebo
for the people – the false remedy that works on certain
MAYNARD KEYNES (1883-1946) is a regrettably outstanding
character in the history of economic thought. His main work is titled "A General
Theory on Employment, Interest and Currency" (1936). This book was,
undoubtedly, the most influential in the industrialized
societies after World War II, in an Europe destroyed by war,
where governments started to play a decisive role in the
economy. Certainly, the success of FDR's New Deal in the 1930s spurred this
English economist to advocate the presence of the State in the economy. Keynes'
treatise was a response to the crisis that
struck the economy of that time, dominated by the
marginalist theory, that was unable to explain the great depression
that had hit the Western world in the thirties of last century.
According to Keynes, the State can play a very important role in preventing economic crises, by an increase in public spending that will prevent the rupture of aggregate demand, at a time of negative expectations among private agents.
According to Keynes, the State can play a very important role in preventing economic crises, by an increase in public spending that will prevent the rupture of aggregate demand, at a time of negative expectations among private agents.
"We must therefore
equip the State with effective instruments of economic policy, to regulate the
interest rate in order to keep it below the " marginal efficiency of
capital ", to increase consumption by expanding public spending and
to expand investment through government loans that
will absorb idle resources."
It would be
comical, were it not tragic, to imagine that the control of financial
flows: currency, exchange and credit, could generate development.
simple productive work can generate capital which, in its essence, is
nothing more than cumulative work. The
alleged stability achieved with government interference in the economy
should be replaced by the full
productive employment achieved through total freedom to produce and
consume. Some presence of the State can only be justified
during a limited time, to regain balance. A constant presence of the government in the economy replaces the invariable
law of supply and demand on the free market with the questionable action
of human will.
Economic rulers
must realize that "If all you
ever do is all you´ve ever done, then all you'll ever get is all you ever
"In the medium term we will all be dead",
have been the response of Keynes to the implications of his proposals. He
is now dead and cannot
witness the disaster, after nearly
seven decades, of his proposals to formalizing government
interference in the economy.
Joan Violet Robinson
(1903-1983) is one the leading economists of the twentieth century. She was the
leader of the "Cambridge School", initially a follower of Marshall's
theories, and finally an outstanding member of the neo-Ricardian and
post-Keynesian schools. Significant contributions were made to the
european economy by this admirable lady who worked with Keynes and
whom I had the privilege of meeting – I can still remember her
evaluation, when asked about the power of multinationals – she was very
defined: I would rather be a slave of Volkswagen than not be anyone's
slave!!! I Learned with
Robinson that the market economy makes what is profitable and not what is
needed – in this assertion I find her indication for the
synthesis between capitalism and socialism.
Ludwig Heinrich Edler von
Mises (1881 -1973)- was a member of the so-called Austrian
school, also integrated by Carl Menger,
Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk, Henry Hazlitt,
Murray Rothbard
and Nobel Prize-winner Friedrich Hayek. His work is a monument to
economic liberalism, showing irrefutably the futility of government
intervention in the economy, which can often have a result opposite to
what was intended. I Learned with Mises and
Hayek that nothing beats the power of the spontaneous organization of the
market price mechanisms.
All my texts are impregnated with the magnificent teachings and economic
findings of the Austrian school.
"Humanity needs,
before anything else, to get free from its submission to absurd slogans
and to go back to trusting the wisdom of reason."
Without any
unjustified nostalgia, I want to emphasize my belief in the
values defended by these thinkers, according to whom an independent, active and productive human
being writes his own history. Whatever may be
one's view of democracy, the
destiny of those ruled must never depend on the virtue of their rulers. In
addition to universal suffrage and a free press, the reduction of power resources in the hands of an elite should be a
criterion to qualify a real democracy.
After all, what went wrong
with our world? How can we fix it? Certainly, human
beings are not born socialist or capitalist.
Imagine a society with all
of its members employed, in a labor market where the supply of jobs surpasses
demand, where young students are searched before leaving their school or
University, where wages tend to go up and there is no need for the government
to impose a minimum salary to be paid. This is not a dream, it already
existed during the industrial revolution, at the beginning of the 19th century. I am talking about introducing the substantial criticism of Marx
– on the deterioration of the labor force – into the basic research of Adam
Smith, and substantially reduce the presence of the State in the economy,
to rescue the situation of full productive employment observed at the
beginning of the 19th century. Only
with full employment the State supervision will be unnecessary – the invisible hand will
act inexorably!!
Government is an institution economically
impractical, because its revenues and expenditures shall be determined by
acts of human will. Economics is a science whose techniques are
valid and applicable when the will
of economic agents is limited by the natural law of supply and demand.
This is why the economic techniques applied by the government are ineffective
and have poor results. From an institutional point of view, the governmental bureaucracy, slow in its
essence and disistimulating in its actions, is a lousy resource
manager, because it grows in the shade of subservient favoritism,
of incompetence and servilism, where friendship and political
influence are worth more than merit and ability. Without
a healthy competition that generates professional stimulus and
technological progress, we will have a fertile field for monopolies,
oligopolies and cartels.
Private initiative,
operating in a competitive market with full productive employment, is a
superior model for the production of goods and services. This does not mean that
workers and employers in the private sector are superior beings, privileged by
divine election. The model of private initiative is superior because it
operates in an environment where the human will is limited by the natural
and inexorable law of supply and demand.
The complexity of modern
corporations cannot be managed by central planners. The
so-called democratic centralism is pure sophistry, that appeals
only to autocratic rulers. The swelling of the executive branch of
power, with huge amounts of financial resources to be allocated
by acts of human will, stimulates a race among unscrupulous politicians for power at any cost. "They do not
disdain , in certain cases, alliances with cheating, fraud and
corruption", to use the
The speech in this case is
about democracy, but the methods used lead inevitably to fill the
coffers of the State. This paradox has transformed the democratic regime
"of the people, by the people and for the people" into the autocratic rule of a regime "for the
people", where the fate of those governed depends on the virtue of their
The world assists today, baffled and powerless, the supremacy
and domination of the class of bureaucrats, since the practical
evolution of the capitalist and socialist systems converge inevitably to a
totalitarian regime. That is to say, the inequality of opportunities in the current rules for human coexistence is
generating the most terrible process of human domination and bondage, the dictatorship
of bureaucracy.
It is clear that, with the
current rules for human coexistence, the government needs to
intervene increasingly, but the
real need for government intervention is in the fact that 3 sectors: agriculture, health and education cannot walk
alone – The government needs to pump resources into these 3
sectors – something necessary, even if inefficient. Under the current
rules, the reduction of government intervention in the economy would
considerably increase the distance between poor and rich.
in a new social pact where
nutrition, health and education became private responsibilities
in the productive process, the Government would proportionately
reduce taxation and its interference in the economy. Instead of transferring resources
from rich to poor, society would provide equal the opportunities for
nutrition, health and education. This is not philanthropy,
but a new concept of human labor as a transformation
process of human energy into physical or intellectual power. It
will replace the changing logic of ideas – ideology – with the
invariable logic of life - biology.
Certainly, businessmen will
not act philanthropically only: full productive
employment will be the guarantor of this agreement of wills – the dynamics of the economy
will lead to full employment, where government supervision will no longer
be required. The English poet and polemist of the 17th century, John Milton,
identified that human reason can distinguish good from bad ideas, in the same
sense that Adam Smith said that we all carry a jury court in our
chest – we know how to distinguish right from wrong. In the proposed
way one can humanize the market
and respond to the Mexican poet
Octavio Paz, Nobel Prize in literature, 1990: "The market does not have a
conscience or mercy". Or else, as Joan Robinson
said – the market
shall make what is necessary and profitable, with total freedom to produce
and consume.
This proposal
needs to be discussed to exhaustion by all those who bear
responsibilities and believe that we have an obligation to deliver a
better world to our children, grandchildren and future generations. Hunger cannot wait and the
children born today have the natural right to be
nourished and to access health and education systems.
Before it's too late, we must humanize the market to deserve a better
May you have a healthy
and profound reflection. Best wishes,
De: Ryu Soga []
Enviada em: sábado, 22 de janeiro de 2011 03:06
Assunto: Appreciate !!
Enviada em: sábado, 22 de janeiro de 2011 03:06
Assunto: Appreciate !!
Dear Ronaldo Campos Carneiro;
I would like to thank you very much for your
nice New Year message.
I'm proud of many excellent Roarians like you.
Best regards,
Soga(PDG 2005-2006, RID 2840)
De: Urs Bolliger
Enviada em: sábado, 22 de janeiro de 2011 11:48
Para: 'Ronaldo Carneiro'
Assunto: AW: Rethinking the world for future generations!
Enviada em: sábado, 22 de janeiro de 2011 11:48
Para: 'Ronaldo Carneiro'
Assunto: AW: Rethinking the world for future generations!
My dear Ronaldo
Take thanks for
your Email. I’m very leased about it. You’ll find my work in time at
Perhaps you find
time for look in.
Have a nice time – With my best wishes – PDG Urs
Enviada em: sábado, 22 de janeiro de 2011 01:04
Para: Ronaldo Carneiro
Assunto: Re: Rethinking the world for future generations!
Enviada em: sábado, 22 de janeiro de 2011 01:04
Para: Ronaldo Carneiro
Assunto: Re: Rethinking the world for future generations!
Dear Ronaldo,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and research. I agree with you and would submit that while Paul Harris while anticipating the future world order formed Rotary with the ideology to bring social justice for all and urged rotarians to intervene through their respective vocations practicing high ethical standards and promoting moral social values.
Have a Happy 2011.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and research. I agree with you and would submit that while Paul Harris while anticipating the future world order formed Rotary with the ideology to bring social justice for all and urged rotarians to intervene through their respective vocations practicing high ethical standards and promoting moral social values.
Have a Happy 2011.
De: Kasemxai
Enviada em: sábado, 22 de janeiro de 2011 12:59
Para: 'Ronaldo Carneiro'
Assunto: Thanks for your thoughts
Enviada em: sábado, 22 de janeiro de 2011 12:59
Para: 'Ronaldo Carneiro'
Assunto: Thanks for your thoughts
Dear PDG Ronaldo Campos
Many thanks for your valuable food for thoughts and words of wisdom to
kick off the new year of 2011.
We wish you the very best in the new year and new Rotary year to Reach
Within to Embrace Humanity.
Kasemchai PDG, Bangkok
D-3350 Thailand &
De: Margaret Wittkopp
Enviada em: sábado, 22 de janeiro de 2011 12:41
Para: 'Ronaldo Carneiro'
Assunto: RE: Rethinking the world for future generations!
Enviada em: sábado, 22 de janeiro de 2011 12:41
Para: 'Ronaldo Carneiro'
Assunto: RE: Rethinking the world for future generations!
Dear Ronaldo
I am so impressed with your writings and the message you have sent
me. I am fully engaged through my business and work on spreading the
message that free markets work. My company’s motto “Save the Investor
Save the World” is based on the concepts you present here. At
Veritas Financial we are committed to freemarkets and through our Investor
Education Series we teach the principles of which you write. I am deeply
encouraged by your clear thinking!
Best regards and continued good health to you and your family,
Margaret Wittkopp, PDG
2005-06 District 6270
De: Robert Scott
Enviada em: domingo, 23 de janeiro de 2011 13:05
Para: 'Ronaldo Carneiro'
Assunto: RE: Rethinking the world for future generations!
Enviada em: domingo, 23 de janeiro de 2011 13:05
Para: 'Ronaldo Carneiro'
Assunto: RE: Rethinking the world for future generations!
Dera Ronaldo
Thank you for your good wishes and also for your
thoughts re our future
Best to you and your family for 2011
De: Aziz Memon
Enviada em: domingo, 23 de janeiro de 2011 09:39
Para: 'Ronaldo Carneiro'
Assunto: Rethinking the world for future generations!
Enviada em: domingo, 23 de janeiro de 2011 09:39
Para: 'Ronaldo Carneiro'
Assunto: Rethinking the world for future generations!
Ronaldo, great thoughts. We sure need do things to leave a better world for our
Kind regards,
Aziz Memon.
Enviada em: sábado, 22 de janeiro de 2011 22:51
Para: Ronaldo Carneiro
Assunto: Re: Rethinking the world for future generations!
Enviada em: sábado, 22 de janeiro de 2011 22:51
Para: Ronaldo Carneiro
Assunto: Re: Rethinking the world for future generations!
Dear Ronaldo,
My due appologies for
this late reply as i was awfully occupied and was travelling most of the times.
I thank you for
this lovely message. Really very impressive.
care........... Belated Marry Xmas.
De: Sakuji Tanaka
Enviada em: sábado, 22 de janeiro de 2011 16:15
Para: Ronaldo Carneiro
Assunto: Rethinking the world for future generations!
Enviada em: sábado, 22 de janeiro de 2011 16:15
Para: Ronaldo Carneiro
Assunto: Rethinking the world for future generations!
Dear Ronaldo,
Thank you for
your kind messages.I left Japan on 12 January to attend the International
Assembly and I will go back to my country on 30th January.
It was a good International Assembly of the very substantial reputation this year. An organization of Rotaries is a number one NGO aiming at the world understanding and friendship and peace. We move to other hotels just now to attend the RI Board of directors for five days.
Thank you again.
De: FUARD Christian
Enviada em: sábado, 22 de janeiro de 2011 16:11
Para: Ronaldo Carneiro
Assunto: Re: Rethinking the world for future generations!
Enviada em: sábado, 22 de janeiro de 2011 16:11
Para: Ronaldo Carneiro
Assunto: Re: Rethinking the world for future generations!
Cher PDG Ronaldo,
avoir partagé cette semaine de fête de Noel avec nos plus proches, et avant la
reprise pour 2011, nous profitons de ce premier mois de janvier pour
vous remercier de vos messages et pour vous adresser tous nos meilleurs vœux
pour 2011. Que cette nouvelle année soit plus sereine pour chacun, que 2011
vous apporte l'épanouissement que vous espérez, et que l'an neuf contribue à
une vie plus harmonieuse autour de nous. Alors prospérité et santé à toi et à
toute ta famille Cher PDG Ronaldo.
Avec nos
très cordiales amitiés.
Christian FUARD
PDG 9220 - 07/08
De: Casa Kato, S.A. de C.V.
Enviada em: sábado, 22 de janeiro de 2011 16:04
Para: 'Ronaldo Carneiro'
Assunto: RE: Rethinking the world for future generations!
Enviada em: sábado, 22 de janeiro de 2011 16:04
Para: 'Ronaldo Carneiro'
Assunto: RE: Rethinking the world for future generations!
Felicidades, agradezco
tus interesantes reflexiones sobre la situación del Mundo actual y tus
conclusiones. Be sure that we all
are making our best effort to improve the World for our children. My
best wishes,
PDG Agustin Valdés Calderón
200-2001 Distrito 4190
De: Marcilio Moreira
Enviada em: terça-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2011 14:29
Para: Ronaldo Carneiro
Assunto: Rethinking the world for future generations!
Enviada em: terça-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2011 14:29
Para: Ronaldo Carneiro
Assunto: Rethinking the world for future generations!
Dear Ronaldo:
Many thanks and all
the best in 2011.May it be blessed with Health ,Peace ,worthwhile
initiatives and plenty of Light !
initiatives and plenty of Light !
Warm regards
Marcílio -------------------------------------------------------
De: Ayoub M. Ayoub
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2011 20:36
Para: Ronaldo Carneiro
Assunto: Re: Rethinking the world for future generations!!
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2011 20:36
Para: Ronaldo Carneiro
Assunto: Re: Rethinking the world for future generations!!
Dear Ronaldo,
Hope well.
Despite all
the 'violent' developments around, I could read your 'relatively long' thesis
-about future generations- to dear Pauline Leung, General Coordinator.
As a c.c. was
sent to me, and to be able to respond in a positive and constructive way to
your valuable thoughts,
May I suggest
a concise and more pin pointed proposals from your side !
This, I think,
will enable many including myself to react in time.
Best to your
humanity-motivated message.
Together, we
can Build Communities and Bridge Continents
Ayoub Mahmoud
Coordinator, Zone 20B
Cel. +20105136368
Address: 2
Ahmed Zaki str.,
Hadaek Elkoba,
De: Jade Johnson
Enviada em: terça-feira, 8 de março de 2011 07:26
Assunto: Rethinking the world for future generations!!
Enviada em: terça-feira, 8 de março de 2011 07:26
Assunto: Rethinking the world for future generations!!
Dear Sir,
Thank you on behalf of Helen Zille, Tim Harris and the Democratic
Alliance (DA) for your email correspondence.
We appreciate your reading on great political philosophers. Many of the
points you have raised are in concert with many of our policies.
I have included 2 links for your attention regarding our policies and
vision for South Africa of an Open Opportunity Society for All.
Thank you once again for your interesting correspondence.
Yours sincerely,
Jade Johnson
On behalf of the Leader
Public Liaison Officer
Democratic Alliance Leader’s Office
Parliament of South Africa
Tel: 021 465 1431
From: Tim Harris []
Sent: 05 March 2011 06:16 PM
To: Ronaldo Carneiro
Subject: Re: Rethinking the world for future generations!!
Sent: 05 March 2011 06:16 PM
To: Ronaldo Carneiro
Subject: Re: Rethinking the world for future generations!!
Dear Mr Carneiro
Thank you for your
email. I will pass it on to Helen's staff
Tim Harris
Officer - DA
M340 Marks Building
Parliament of South Africa
Cape Town
Cell: +27 82 427 3751
Tel: +27 21 403 2338
De: Dirk Hazell
Enviada em: domingo, 6 de março de 2011 15:50
Para: Ronaldo Carneiro
Assunto: Rethinking the world for future generations!!
Enviada em: domingo, 6 de março de 2011 15:50
Para: Ronaldo Carneiro
Assunto: Rethinking the world for future generations!!
Thank you for sharing this.
As it happens, I was lectured by Joan
Robinson at Cambridge in the 1970s: her exceptionally memorable persona
did rather reflect the great events of the middle third of the last Century.
Without commenting directly on your
economic and social analysis, I would offer the thought that we do need rapidly
to find our way to a robust environmental settlement so that there is real
global alignment of economic, environmental and social sustainability. It would
be good to think that the Earth Summit in your Country in 2012 might make
rather better progress than we have so far seen.
Best wishes
Dirk Hazell
Dirk Hazell
Liberal International British Group
De: Nannapas Sukwattananipaat
Enviada em: sábado, 5 de março de 2011 03:11
Para: Ronaldo Carneiro
Assunto: Re: Rethinking the world for future generations!!
Enviada em: sábado, 5 de março de 2011 03:11
Para: Ronaldo Carneiro
Assunto: Re: Rethinking the world for future generations!!
Dear Mr Ronaldo Campos Carneiro,
thank you very much
for the reflections, reminding us of the delivery of better environments to our
I am no longer
working for the Democrat Party of Thailand, however, I am certain that your
message will be well received and profoundly though about by Mr Abhisit
and other fellow members of the Party.
All the best and
Nannapas Sukwattananipaat
De: Sergio Tripi
Enviada em: sexta-feira, 11 de março de 2011 07:43
Para: Ronaldo Carneiro
Assunto: Rethinking the world for future generations!!
Enviada em: sexta-feira, 11 de março de 2011 07:43
Para: Ronaldo Carneiro
Assunto: Rethinking the world for future generations!!
Dear Ronaldo,
you for sharing this remarkable social-economic analysis of yours, that I read
with great interest.
In the search
for the best approach to the best public-private balance, I found in your
writing the effort to identify the strengths and weaknesses of both elements,
and this is certainly a valuable invitation to making a reflection that take
both of them into account.
search implicitly makes it again evident that the basic element to reach this
balance is in the nature of the human being and its desirable and
possible, evolution. Human selfishness, in order to ber put at society’s
service, must be first transforned into deep interest and care for the common
good - - which is a copernican revolution of the human spirit and hence of
human values and man’s behaviours.
leads to the role of government in tempering the free market’s drives in order
to balance them with the objective of social growth also of the less fortunate.
Cartainly, it is a balance that must take well into account also the
individual liberty of expressing one’s own potential qualities, thus ensuring
individual freedom.
there are activities and social services whose nature unquestionably address
the well being of the society at large, and there are remarkable examples here.
Robert Muller, the economist who spent forty years with the UN and, as
Assistant Secretary-General, contributed strongly to the establishment of the UN
Development Fund, gave an appropriate and tangible example of this, when
he wrote in 1998:
incredible efficiency of the French national railroads and the excellent United
States Postal Service lead me to recommend that the world should not believe
blindly in the fundamentalist, almost fanatic claim of superiority of
privatization, and consider more, not less, state enterprises.
It will lead to inefficiency, business
will claim. Well, how come that the French national railroad networks are
faster and more convenient to all people of France while the number of their
employees and workers has been reduced from 475,000 thirty years ago to 175,000
today? And they have all a stable, secure employment and revenue.”
point I am making here is that the real issue is in the search of the best
balance of the public-private elements, in the context, one day, of a society
where an evolved citizen combines his search for individul progress with his
care for the common good. Utopia? After having become acquinted with hundreds
of wonderful evidences in many parts of the world, I do not think so.
Sergio Tripi
De: The Real Agenda []
Enviada em: sexta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2011 17:59
Assunto: Democracy and humanism
Enviada em: sexta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2011 17:59
Assunto: Democracy and humanism
Thank you for you thoughtful input, Mr. Carneiro.
As I usually said, it is right on target.
Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
As I usually said, it is right on target.
Luis R. Miranda
The Real Agenda
De: Vito Tanzi
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 9 de agosto de 2012 10:54
Assunto: RE: Democracy, capitalism and socialism
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 9 de agosto de 2012 10:54
Assunto: RE: Democracy, capitalism and socialism
Dear Mr. Carneiro
Thank you for these
interesting quotes,
Regards and wishes
Vito Tanzi
De: Jhansi Premanand
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 24 de maio de 2012 16:06
Assunto: Re: Rotary - social inclusion
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 24 de maio de 2012 16:06
Assunto: Re: Rotary - social inclusion
world is under the clouds and the Governments are blaming each other nations
and countries for the worst economic situation in the world.Who is responsible.
the people or the Government? What is Government? is it not the
people? What is the percentage of the Govt amongst the people of the countries.
Very less. Is it not? What is the percentage of saving by the common people in
each country? Can the poor able to save? Why are the precises of the products
are increasing? Is it the fault of the Govt planing or anything
else? Govt is the combination of all the parties, left or right or ruling.Do
you thing the people of the opposition who are in the Govt are creating
difficulties? Time has come to think deeply in to the matter for the future
world's development of the countries. Rotary without any barriers are helping
the mankind to live in peace. We the Roterians has a responsibility to make
them realize the importance of saving and planing economics in day to day
life.Rich is becoming rich and are safe in any situation.It is the other part
of the humanity suffers with any differences occur in the economic growth.So
let us think how we in Rotary solve this situations when they occur in the
human life that lives along with others in this world.Peace is needed for
every one ,every living being and every existence in life.___Jhansi
De: Luis
Enviada em: sábado, 16 de junho de 2012 00:05
Assunto: RES: Democracy, capitalism and socialism
Enviada em: sábado, 16 de junho de 2012 00:05
Assunto: RES: Democracy, capitalism and socialism
Mr. Carneiro,
of all, thank you for sending me this series of exchanges. It is interesting to
read what people educated in the traditional educational system think with all
their theories and them regurgitating what they read in their carefully crafted
textbooks. Unfortunately, college degrees and flashy titles do not provide a
real insight into the true reasons why we are where we are today.
is shaped by those who wrote it, and therefore it only provides a reference
from which we can look back at. The issue is where should we look in order to
have a good idea of what happened and how that shapes what is happening today
in all aspects of life. The current economic crisis is a very broad topic,
which cannot be discussed through an e-mail or a chat session. I wouldn’t
presume to be able to explain the current state of affairs the world is in by
writing or responding to an e-mail. It is much too complicated. However, if you
asked me for an opinion, I can provide you one although I am afraid it would be
a very general one.
been under the same economic and financial system for at least the past 100
years. This system was conceived much earlier by very smart people who
recognized that monopoly was the best business model for themselves, and since
then, monopoly men have controlled every single aspect of human development.
They have shaped the very social fabric of modern society by maintaining a
tight grip on resources, their availability, development, and as a consequence
the way markets work. Therefore, we cannot even begin to believe that there has
ever been the slightest sign of a free market economy anywhere in the planet.
human history, people associated themselves to create strong groups that helped
them take care of their interests. The success of such groups relied on how
much each individual’s needs and rights were respected. Much of the success of
the earliest forms of civilization were based on the respect given to natural law
and individual rights such as the right to life, private property,
self-defense, privacy and so on. The moment one of those rights were violated,
or when force was used to limit or otherwise eliminate such rights,
civilizations struggled to find the balance again. These struggles have been
permanent throughout history because there have always been individuals who
sought not to respect individual and natural rights (natural law) but to find
the slightest edge to govern over others. Then came the idea that something
called government could be better at managing what all individuals had done
themselves for thousands of years and so humans entrusted their lives to a
group of trusted servants. Later we learned that government is just an
instrument to maintain the monopoly, because it successfully hides the reality
we all live in, by keeping us busy, working most of our lives to maintain the
fraudulent bureaucracy that the monopoly men so eagerly dominate.
trusted servants were bought and paid for by the monopoly men, who found it
much easier to bribe, threaten or manipulate a few good men, rather than
bribing, threatening or manipulation whole populations. That is how monopoly
men came to be government. The monopoly business model accompanies humanity up until
today, and every day that passed those monopoly men were more empowered by
their far reaching influence, access to resources, raw materials, technology
and political gain. That is where we are today. The monopoly men found a way to
legalize the mafia model, which they themselves use in their businesses and
applied it to government, through which they manage to control every single
aspect of our lifestyles.
an economist believes or thinks about what is right or wrong for a country or a
continent is irrelevant if that economist doesn’t take into account that the
economy is controlled by powerful corporate interests that control it all. No
economic theory will be ever successful at explaining why a crisis happened or
how to fix it unless it recognizes its real origins. University degrees,
economy textbooks and memberships do not help when trying to explain why the
world is in the deepest depression in modern history. We all need to recognize
that in today’s world nation-states no longer dictate what happens with their
own destiny or with that of their citizens. Monopoly men do. And they will
continue to do so until humanity awakens to what is behind the curtain – or in
this case who is behind the curtain. Humanity will never be able to have real
capitalism, free markets or social justice – whatever that all means – as long
as we are unable to recognize how the system really works. Keynes, Krugman, and
all these other thinkers and talking heads bring nothing new to an economic
debate, they just repeat what they learned in college or whatever mode of
education they were exposed to. There is really nothing new or beneficial we
can get in order to analyze the current state of humanity if we take as our
start point ideologies that have long defrauded us all, which were all invented
by the same monopoly men I mentioned above as tools to divide and conquer. The
same people who invented the theory of socialism, are the very same who
invented capitalism, fascism, democracy, and all of the other faces of the same
is hope though.
doubt, a large minority of humans is now aware of this state of affairs, and
that large minority will have to once again carry the heavy weight of the large
ignorant majority in order to deliver humanity from the evil that a global
monopoly has brought upon all of us. If there is anything positive the current
economic crisis has brought, is that it has awaken millions of people around
the world. This crisis has been an opportunity to open the eyes and see beyond
what is being shown to all of us as reality, but that is nothing but a fraud.
The early stages of a new struggle for a return to individual freedom is in the
works as we speak and just as it happened in the past, it will take a while to
On a personal note, I have to add that I
will never use force or violence -- which is what the monopoly men and
governments normally do -- to impose my views or wishes on anyone. The moment
we all understand that imposing our will on anyone by using force or coercion
is the root of all of our problems, we will be that much closer to solving most
of those problems. That will happen when individuals learn about and understand
the concept of self-governance, self-responsibility and respect towards the
inalienable rights that we have as individuals. After a majority of us learns
and understands this concepts, we can all sit around and debate economics,
politics or any other issue.
De: B Berger
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2012 02:58
Assunto: ARC
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2012 02:58
Assunto: ARC
I very much enjoyed your stimulating passage shared on
the Ayn Rand question section.
I was most inspired by it because I feel the ideas,
temperament, and vision embedded and implicit within your prose falls neatly in
line with my own sentiments and hopes for others and the world, in terms of the
great wealth, freedom and prosperity possible if only we were able to have
others understand as those like us have with much study, investigation and
Because of this, if you should be interested, I want
to share with you a method I have found as the most effective in enacting and
actualizing the change of ideas and responsibility that we as objectivists (or
other, similar minded people) strive and hope for..
I'm sure you would agree that having the right ideas and
asserting that those ideas are right, do not always produce desirable results
in the hearts and minds of those we attempt to move toward our philosophical
persuasion. In fact this is often one of the greatest challenges of those
morally inclined to "do something about it". The "it" being
the condition of our world and those within it. The challenge being having
others really look, investigate, and come to rational conclusions about the
world and how we interact with others (i.e. the subject matter of all
Humanities disciplines).
Case in point, a real solution to the problem would be
one that not only had the right ideas, morals, philosophical ideas and logic,
but one which is able to invariably elevate the awareness level and
rationality of those who would commit themselves (in any degree) to such a
cognitive quest of self-enhancement, whether for their own sake or for a
larger, more "macro" sake.
If you have received this, please confirm. I would
like to forward you some information on what I have found and that which I am unhesitatingly
certain of its efficacy in bringing about a resolution of "the human
condition" and will lead us to a world free of criminality, poverty, and
Not to worry, I have absolutely nothing to sell or
gain from your interest. Just a concerned human who feels it necessary to
forward ideas to those who likely have similar awareness levels. I assume that
it was for this same reason you were inspired to posit your essay to the ARC
Very best
De: Robert.T.Yin
Enviada em: domingo, 23 de setembro de 2012 23:10
Para: gmail
Assunto: Re: A better world is possible
Enviada em: domingo, 23 de setembro de 2012 23:10
Para: gmail
Assunto: Re: A better world is possible
Dear PDG
Ronaldo Campos Carneiro:
Thank you very much for your nice message:
A better world is possible.
I am proud of having many excellent fellow Rotarians
like you.
Robert T.
Christophe COURJON []
Enviada em: sexta-feira, 21 de setembro de 2012 04:32
Para: gmail
Assunto: [SPAM] RE: A better world is possible
Enviada em: sexta-feira, 21 de setembro de 2012 04:32
Para: gmail
Assunto: [SPAM] RE: A better world is possible
you for your article, translated in French. Our editorial board will study it
with great attention. I will contact you for the final decision schedule on 20
en chef du magazine Le Rotarien
34 rue
69 001
Tel :
04 72 00 32 14
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